
Você Consegue Recriar

You, you still have all the answers
and you, you still have them too
and we, we live half in the day time
and we, we live half at night

Watch things on VCRs, with me and talk about big love
I think we're superstars, you say you think we are the best thing

But you, you just know, you just do

When i find myself by the sea, in anothers company by the sea
When I go out the pier, gonna die and have no fear
Because you, you just know, you just do

Watch things on VCRs, with me and talk about big love
I think we're superstars, you say you think we are the best thing

But you, you just know, you just do


Para ouvir VCR com The XX, clique aqui. Segure na mão de alguém especial e aproveite o som. Todo mundo, inclusive você querido leitor amigo, consegue recriar alegria de pequenos presentes da vida.

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

outra boa dica. obrigado.

Lelle disse...

Agradecido por ter gostado...

aqui tem mais do mesmo

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